
Selection of Olympic Weight Divisions of Athletes for 2020, Submission deadline 25th January 2020

4. januar 2020

Kære alle. Som I kan læse af nedenstående er det tid for indplacering i de Olympiske vægtklasser.

Det er kun Forbundet, som kan indrapportere dette til WT.

Så send venligst nedenstående oplysninger

* DEN-xxxx

* Navn

* OL vægtklasse

til [email protected]

Hvis der er IKKE er ændringer i forhold til nu, behøver I ikke at indsende.

Det er kun klubben der kan indsende og ikke den enkelte atlet.

Skal indsendes inden den 20. januar 2020, da DTaF så lige har nogle dage til at lave opfølning.

Med sportslig hilsen

Søren Holmgård Knudsen

2466 4872

Dear Sir/Madam,

I wish you a happy new year and hope this email finds you well.

As you are aware at the start of each year the Olympic Weight Division selection window opens as detailed in the WT Ranking Bylaw, the choice of the Olympic Weight Division can be determined for a period of one year from January 1st to December 31st, every year during a onetime window of January 1st to 25th.

In accordance with this section of the bylaws I am announcing that Olympic weight division selection window January 1st to 25th, 2020 is now open. During this 25-day window the MNA only can submit a list of athletes and their choice of Olympic Weight Division.

For details and in-depth explanation please refer to the current WT Ranking Bylaws, which can be found on the WT website.

Please note if an athlete already has an Olympic Weight Division selected and no change is required you do not have to provide the selection again as previously selected Olympic Weight Divisions are retained till a change is declared.

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